Increased CSWM Tipping Fees and Charges Coming in 2024

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At the September 14, 2023 Comox Strathcona Waste Management (CSWM) Board meeting, the CSWM Board approved and adopted updates to the service fees and charges bylaw (Bylaw 720). The increased charges are intended to further shift costs towards a 'user pay' model in an effort to reduce unnecessary waste going into the landfill. In addition, the bylaw changes also apply larger penalties and enforcement on contaminated loads.

“Unfortunately, increased costs continue to be a reality we are facing and our hope is to create more positive change in the community in how we dispose of materials at the landfill,” explains Will Cole-Hamilton, CSWM Board Co-Chair. “Properly sorting your waste and diverting recyclable materials can save you time and money at either of our CSWM Waste Management Centres, and we encourage residents to consider this step before heading to the landfill.

The goal of this tipping fee update is to encourage behavior change aimed at reducing waste and thereby extending the life of our landfill, which ultimately saves money for all taxpayers.”

The following fee changes are as follows:

2024 In-Area Tipping Fees Changes

MaterialUnit of MeasureCurrentProposedChange
Municipal Solid Wasteper tonne$145$155$10
Municipal Solid Waste containing Recyclable Materials or Prohibited Wasteper tonne$330$365$35
Construction and Demolition Wasteper tonne$145$155$10
Construction and Demolition Waste containing Recyclable Materials or Prohibited Wasteper tonne$330$365$35
Roofing Materialper tonne$145$155$10
Gypsum - Divertibleper tonne$240$255$15
Ocean Plasticsper tonne$145$155$10
Ammonia Containing Units not covered by Stewardship Materialsper tonnenew category$50/unit$50/unit
Non-Stewardship Tires and tires on rimsper tonne$140$145$5

The fee changes will be implemented starting on January 1, 2024. For more information on Bylaw 720 and to learn more about how these changes may affect you, visit our CSWM Bylaws and Policies page.

Media contact:

Vivian Schau
Senior Manager of CSWM Services
Tel:  250-334-6025