Curbside collection programs are managed separately within the City of Campbell River, the City of Courtenay, the Town of Comox, the Village of Cumberland, and the Village of Sayward. The Comox Valley Regional District manages the Royston garbage and recycling collection service.
For curbside garbage, recycling and yard waste pick-up schedules, or specific questions pertaining to curbside pickup in these areas, please contact your municipality directly.
Rural Area Garbage Collection
Curbside garbage, recycling, or yard waste pick-up, is not provided within the rural areas of the Comox Valley Regional District and Strathcona Regional District. Rural area residents are responsible for setting up their own curbside pick-up through private providers, or taking their garbage and recyclables to one of the Comox Strathcona Waste Management facilities.
The following providers offer private curbside garbage and/or recycling pickup services:
- Waste Connections of Canada
- Waste Management
- Strathcona Recycling & Disposal: 250-207-6500
This list is provided for convenience only and should not be construed as a recommendation of service by the CVRD. Contractors may contact us to be added to this list of providers.