Campbell River Waste Management Centre

Campbell River Waste Management Centre

The landfill at the Campbell River Waste Management Centre is closed as of 2022

The landfill located at the Campbell River Waste Management Centre (CRWMC) served as the primary municipal solid waste disposal site for approximately 43,000 people located in Campbell River and the surrounding communities. After the landfill reached capacity, the site is continuing to operate as a solid waste transfer station. The transfer station will act as a waste collection point for the Campbell River region, with collected waste to be transported to the Comox Valley Waste Management Centre located in Cumberland BC, approximately 65 km south.

The landfill at CRWMC reached its airspace capacity in spring 2022, with final closure completed. The landfill operated under the operational certificate MR-02401 which was last amended in May 2020 by the MoE. This amendment laid out additional requirements for the operation and closure of the facility.

The Comox Strathcona Waste Management (CSWM) service received the proposed Closure and Upgrading Plan (Closure Plan) for the landfill in August 2020. The Closure Plan, which was prepared by GHD Limited, provided a plan for final closure of the landfill, and estimates preliminary costs, as well as post-closure management requirements of the landfill. The Closure Plan includes:

  • Conceptual design of the final cover system including surface water conveyance infrastructure.
  • Conceptual design of the landfill gas collection and conveyance system.
  • Plan for environmental monitoring programs, including the monitoring of groundwater, surface water, landfill gas and leachate quality.
  • Description of the leachate management plan and forecasted leachate quantities.
  • Landfill criteria conformance review.

Related Documents:

Annual Report

Background Information