At the September 14, 2023 Comox Strathcona Waste Management (CSWM) Board meeting, the CSWM Board approved and adopted updates to the service fees and charges bylaw (Bylaw 720). The increased charges…
Two upcoming open houses offer an opportunity for the public to learn more about how CSWM manages solid waste across the Comox Valley and Strathcona Regional Districts. The open houses will provide…
Nearly 160 people spent Saturday, July 8th on behind-the-scenes landfill tours at the Comox Valley Waste Management Centre.
Shuttled by bus, participants of all ages discovered everything from where…
We are proud to announce that Comox Strathcona Waste Management, a function of the Comox Valley Regional District, is the recipient of a Leader in Sustainability Award for 2022.…
The Comox Strathcona Waste Management (CSWM) service is growing its food and yard waste program. Beginning in the New Year, CSWM will receive organic materials from an expanded partnership with the…
Comox Strathcona Waste Management (CSWM) is launching a Solid Waste Management Plan Renewal to help guide services and programs offered in the Comox Valley and Strathcona Regional Districts.
At the June 16, 2022 Comox Strathcona Waste Management (CSWM) Board meeting, the CSWM Board approved and adopted updates to the “Comox Strathcona Waste Management Service Tipping Fee and Solid Waste…