Compost Availability Update: Organics Compost is currently in stock at both locations. Please note only amounts of 5 cubic yards or less is available at the Cumberland location.
Updated: January 31, 2025
Where can I pick up the new compost product when it becomes available?
Commercial amounts (greater than 5 cubic yards): | Household amounts (less than 5 cubic yards): |
Campbell River Organics Composting Facility 6300 Argonaut Road, Campbell River, BC | Comox Valley Waste Management Centre 3699 Bevan Road, Cumberland, BC |
Skyrocket compost is currently in stock. For more information on the SkyRocket compost and its availability, please visit the Comox Valley Regional District website here.
Compost purchases are charged per cubic yard, no minimum purchase required. The rate is $15.30 per cubic yard or $20 per cubic metre. Accepted payment methods are Interac debit, credit card or charge on account. There are no cash sales.
Our CSWM Compost Product is a Class A Compost
Our compost is regularly tested to ensure it meets or exceeds the Provincial Regulations for a Class A Compost, under the strict requirements of the Organic Matter Recycling Regulation.