Comox Strathcona Waste Management is proud to support several Repair Café’s within our region.
Toss it away? No Way! Repair Cafés are a global movement to reduce the amount of items and electronics that are thrown away or recycled. Through these free community events, people repair items together with expert volunteers, save money, learn new skills and build a culture or waste reduction. Hundreds of items have been repaired to date and the enthusiasm is growing.
What can get fixed?
The type of items that can get repaired will depend on the volunteer fixer’s skills. Typically, all small appliances and electronics (no phones/computers), wooden items, clothing and textiles and items that needing gluing. Check with the event organizers for more specific details.
When is the next Repair Café?
Repair Café’s are held on Denman Island, Quadra Island, in Campbell River, Courtenay and Cumberland each year.
Interested in hosting a Repair Café? Get in touch with our educator to receive support, poster templates and planning tools. Email us today.