sorted recyclables

What Can I Recycle?

Not sure if an item is recyclable or where to take it? 

Contact the Recycling Council of BC Hotline at 1-800-667-4321 or . They can answer questions specific to your community

This page provides information about items that can be taken to Recycle BC depots and CSWM depots in the Comox Strathcona Waste Management service area. Please note that curbside recycling programs are managed separately within the municipalities of Campbell River, Courtenay, Comox, Cumberland and Royston. For questions about curbside pickup schedules and operations in your community, please contact your municipality directly.  

Recycle BC Depots and Unstaffed CSWM Depots Accepted Items

Check to see which recyclables are accepted at Recycle BC depots, and unstaffed CSWM depots (Quadra Island and the Black Creek Old Fire Hall locations).

Search for Accepted Items

Downloadable PDF of  Accepted Item List

Updated March 6, 2023

Hazardous Materials

For more information about what to do with any waste from your home that you consider to be dangerous or of which you are unsure, please visit Comox Strathcona Waste Management’s Hazardous Waste page.

Recycling Tips

You can help ensure that more materials are recycled by following these steps:

  1. Please follow sorting instructions at the depot.
  2. Empty and rinse containers.
  3. Contain shredded paper inside a paper bag or box.
  4. Flatten cardboard and remove plastic wrap from cardboard flats (staples and tape are OK).

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