Beginning Monday April 17, residents in the City of Campbell River who receive municipal curbside collection can now begin putting their food and yard waste at the curb for pickup as part of the Comox Strathcona Waste Management (CSWM) Food and Yard Waste Program. Let’s send waste to a better place!
Yard waste collection in the City of Campbell River will now become “Organics” to include the co-mingling of food waste in the current weekly curbside organics collection program. Kitchen bins have been delivered to households receiving municipal curbside collection, along with an information brochure that provides do’s and don’ts on using the food and yard waste program.
“The new curbside organics program will provide a year-round food and yard waste collection service to Campbell River residents and support reduced waste at the local landfill,” says Drew Hadfield, Director of Operations with City of Campbell River. “Food waste continues to make up almost 30 per cent of total landfill waste, so we’re excited to do our part in lowering our impact while providing added value to community members.”
The kitchen bins are to collect food waste in your kitchen before transferring into a larger lidded bin mixed with yard waste to be set out at the curb on your collection day. Diverting food and yard waste helps reduce pressure on the landfill and lowers greenhouse gases.
The Organics program is currently focused on residential households receiving municipal curbside collection service. This phased approach ensures there is support available for education and program oversight in an effort to limit contamination. Consideration for program expansion into multi-family, schools, and business/commercial sectors will be evaluated as the program develops.
For more information on the curbside organics program in Campbell River, please visit www.campbellriver.ca/organics.
For more information on the Food and Yard Waste Program including accepted and unaccepted items, visit www.cswm.ca/compost.
If you have not received a kitchen bin, contact the CSWM at cswm@comoxvalleyrd.ca.
Media contact:
Vivian Schau
Senior Manager of CSWM Services