Weigh In On Waste: Public invited to shape direction of new solid waste management plan

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Comox Strathcona Waste Management (CSWM) is developing a new solid waste management plan and needs the public to share their input on the long-term vision of solid waste management for the region. The plan will outline how garbage, recycling, and yard and food waste programs are managed over the next decade.

The Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy recommends that Plans be renewed every ten years to ensure the plan reflects best practices, the evolving realities of solid waste and alignment with provincial targets. The last Plan was updated in 2012. Meanwhile, the CSWM service area population has grown 13% during that time, and is forecast to continue to grow.

“As our communities change, we must ensure we adapt how we manage our solid waste,” said Vivian Schau, Senior Manager of Comox Strathcona Waste Management Services. “A sustainable future requires that we find new and innovative ways to reduce waste, extending the life of our landfills and reducing our greenhouse gas emissions. It’s important we hear what residents and businesses would like to see in the future to ensure the new Plan reflects the disposal and diversion needs, and the support of the CSWM communities.”

Over the next three months, CSWM is seeking input on the existing system and on the draft goals and guiding principles that will serve as the foundation of the new Plan to guide solid waste management over the next ten years. The goals and principles were developed with input from the Regional Solid Waste Advisory Committee, which includes members of the public, local government staff, stewardship programs, industry and business owners.

This is the second step of consultation in a four-step process to update the solid waste management plan over two years. Upcoming consultation activities include:

  • Online Survey – Thursday, June 22 to Monday, September 25, 2023
  • Landfill Tours– Comox Valley Waste Management Centre, 3781 Bevan Rd, Cumberland – Saturday, July 8, 2023 from 9 am until 12:20 pm. Registration is required.
  • Community Outreach Events – July to September, 2023
  • Virtual Open House – Tuesday, September 12, 2023. Registration is required.
  • In-person Open House – Maritime Heritage Centre, 621 Island Hwy, Campbell River – Tuesday, September 19, 2023
  • Project email: cswm@comoxvalleyrd.ca

A detailed What We Heard Summary Engagement Report will be presented to the Regional Solid Waste Advisory Committee and CSWM Board this Fall and will inform the options for consideration in the next phase.

Learn more information about the solid waste management planning process and Weigh In On Waste: www.cswm.ca/swmp

The Comox Strathcona Waste Management service area is located in the Coast Salish, Kwakwaka’wakw, and Nuu-chah-nulth territories.


Media contact:          

Sarah Willie, Manager of Solid Waste Planning and Policy Development


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