Regional Organics Past Community Engagement

What We Heard

We’d like to thank everyone who participated in our consultation in February 2020 and March 2021. The feedback we collected helped to inform the facility design and planned operations of the compost facility and transfer station. For more information about What We Heard from the community, please read our final summary report. This was presented to the CSWM board on April 22 and submitted to the BC Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy to support regulatory applications for this project. 

Why a Facility is Needed

This project will play a very important role in managing solid waste for our community. Food and yard waste currently makes up about 30 per cent of the total waste that is landfilled within the CSWM service area. Removing organic material from the waste stream will extend the life of our landfills. This will result in a smaller environmental footprint and provide a cost effective approach for handling solid waste for the taxpayers. When buried in a landfill, organic material also produces methane gas, a key contributor to global climate change. Properly composting organic waste is an important step to sustainably manage waste in our region.

The $15.5 million project is funded through $6.4 million in grants and $9.1 million from CSWM reserves. Operations will be funded through tipping fees. Cost savings can be realized by removing organics from the waste stream which will prolong the life of our regional landfill.